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Ambasadorul Norvegiei in Romania, Øystein Hovdkinn, a discutat online cu cititorii despre diferentele dintre sistemul juridic romanesc si cel norvegian

de Magda Barascu
Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 11:24 Dosare Anticoruptie

Ambasadorul Norvegiei in Romania, Øystein Hovdkinn
Foto: Arhiva personala
(24 Oct 2010) DOC, 37KB
Cum vede un ambasador sistemul judecatoresc din Romania comparativ cu cel din Norvegia si cum ii este afectata activitatea diplomatica de cadrul legislativ din tara respectiva? Cat dureaza un proces de mare coruptie intr-una din cele mai dezvoltate tari din Europa? Cum se vede justitia din Romania comparativ cu cea din Norvegia? Ambasadorul Norvegiei in Romania, Øystein Hovdkinn, a discutat online cu cititorii luni, de la ora 14.00 despre diferentele dintre sistemul juridic romanesc si cel norvegian.

Øystein Hovdkinn este ambasadorul Norvegiei in Romania si Republica Moldova din 2008. A fost jurnalist la Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation intre 1972 si 1973. A lucrat ca reprezentant al diplomatiei norvegiene in Canberra, Bruxelles, Bonn si Vienna. 

A fost consul general al Norvegiei in Scotia intre 2006 si 2008, dupa care si-a inceput misiunea ca ambasador in Romania si Republica Moldova.

Ambasadorul Oystein Hovdkinn a spus ca, din 2009 pana in 2011 Norvegia sustine 70 de proiecte cu o suma de aproximativ 100 de milioane de euro, iar pana in 2014 aceasta suma va fi triplata si va ajunge in total la aproximativ 300 de milioane de euro.

Citeste doar ceea ce merita. Urmareste-ne si pe Facebook si Instagram.

Întrebari puse de cititorii

  • Întrebarea nr. 1 nopris

    Se poate intampla in Norvegia urmatoarele?
    1) Se poate ca un judecator, o instanta sa anuleze o lege, o Ordonanta a Gunernului, sa o declare ilegala?
    2) Se poate ca o problema a unui judecator cu statul sa fie judecata de alt judecator?
    3) Se poate ca un proces sa fie suspendat prin faptul ca partea acuzata din proces cere Curtii Constitutionale sa se pronunte asupra constitutionalitatii legii prin care e incriminat?

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      1. Not to my knowledge. Laws in Norway are adopted by the Parliament. Only Parliament can change or cancel a law by itself.
      2. It's not very clear. We have only few cases in Norway of judges accused of corruption. I don't know of any case like this. He would have to be judge by a court consist by other judges. It's only theoretical, I don't know of any case like this in Norway.

      3.To my knowledge the answer is no.

  • Întrebarea nr. 2 IoanG

    In ce mod(uri) ajuta Norvegia statul roman sa implementeze reforma in justitie (consultanta etc.) ?

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      Here the answer is more complicated. Norway is the largest bilateral donor of Romania. From 2009 to 2011 Norway will invest100 millions euro to 70 projects. One project is for cooperation between Norwegian and Romania police and is related to combat child pornography to Internet. There are projects not specially design to combat the judicial reform in Romania. Our aim has been to promote economic and social development in Romania thereby assisting Romania in it's transformation process hoping in the long run will also improve Romanian legal system.

  • Întrebarea nr. 3 qman

    Lucrez in Romania pentru o mare companie IT din Norvegia, si pot spune ca sunt foarte multumit. De asemenea, vizitez Norvegia cel putin anual si cunosc aspectele civilizatiei si mediului de afaceri din Oslo. Sunt sigur ca exista multe alte ramuri profitabile in afara de IT, cum ar fi industria petrolului, textile etc. De ce nu se iau masuri pentru un acord economic bilateral mai serios Romania-Norvegia ? Takk.

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      We already have economical activities between Romania and Norway: 60 companies are investing in Romania and even in this time of economic crises we have companies that contacted the embassy to start businesses in Romania. It is true that no Norwegian oil company has invested in Romania. If the question was about an economic agreement between Romania and Norway, my answer is that we don't need such an agreement since the both countries are members of EU Internal Market. Norway is not a member of EU as you know, but we are a member of EU Internal Market.

  • Întrebarea nr. 4 mircea

    Pentru procesele de coruptie si comerciale ,am putea sa importam judecatori din Norvegia.Si asa judecatorii nostri se plang ca nu mai fac fata cu numarul mare de dosare.Eu cred ca intarzie,pana se da spaga.

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      I'm afraid is not practical, and not possible for many reasons.
      It's not possible.

  • Întrebarea nr. 5 daniel

    Hello Mr. Ambasador,

    Few years ago, in March 2006 I went to Oslo for a training course. In general, everywhere I go I prefer to walk and to use public transportation which gives me the chance to better understand people and places. This way I found out for example that in Oslo even the lady who sells tram tickets speaks decent English. I used to have then two mobile phones: a company one and a personal one. One morning I was in class, waiting for the course to start when I got a phone call from my wife on my company phone asking me where is my personal one. I checked and concluded: "I've got no idea". Then she said: "You've just lost it, someone found it in the tram, called me and gave me this number...." I passed the number to the secretary of the company organizing the training course and had my mobile in my pocket at the first break. This is something Sir, and Oslo citizens deserve all the respect for this.

    And, finally, to ask you a question: Sir, you sure your country is not a EU member? Romanian politicians seem very keen to put you in. :)

    All the best Sir and big thanks you keeping an eye on our politicians. Some of us desperately need it.

    A Romanian living in Bucharest

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      I'm very happy to hear such nice story about Norway. The Norwegians have rejected two time to enter EU. We are probably 2 thirds member of EU as we're member of EU Internal Market.

  • Întrebarea nr. 6 cornel

    Intre timp am iceput sa banui. Norvegia e o tara prea serioasa ptr noi.Cei cu bani din romania fac afaceri mai mult cu zone din est.(ex.Vantu,Patriciu,Copos, Voiculescu,oameni din PNL si PSD.)Aici e hotia cu care secu romaneasca a aranjat atatia aniCu Norvegia NU merge deloc coruptia, cu cei din est ...Oooooo !Uitativa la mafiotii de mai sus.Cine sunt ei ? Opoztia, desigur. Asazis !

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      The biggest investing countries are from Western Europe: Austria is the biggest investor, Germany, France. 60 Norwegian companies have activities in Romania.
      Norwegian companies have another big problem, not corruption: heavy and big bureaucracy.

  • Întrebarea nr. 7 opiu99ro

    Mr. Amassador, how easy or difficult is for a Romanian person, universitary graduate, to emigrate and establish in Norway ?

    Thank you a lot ! A.B.

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      There is hardly any formal problem, we're both member of EU Internal Market. If you have the right qualifications and you can get a job in Norway, you can easily move there.
      Norway is one of the countries in Europe with the highest needs for professionals, we need people with qualifications, without them we cannot function.
      Several thousands of Romanians have found employment in Norway in health sector, construction industry, as architects and engineers. They are very welcomed and we will continue to welcome citizens who want to come to work in Norway.

  • Întrebarea nr. 8 Patrik

    Buna ziua!
    Ne puteti spune, care ar fi primele 5 masuri pe care le-ati lua, pentru a eficientizarea sistemului juridic din Romania?
    Va multumesc!

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      There's rather tricky question. Romania should simply implement its laws and relations, its commitments on EU membership and the international conversions it entered and the aim of this will be to make the judiciary more predictable, more uniform, more reliable and more independent.

  • Întrebarea nr. 9 albescu

    In ce masura, potrivit justitiei norvegiene, magistratii pot sa-si hotarasca propriile venituri asa cum se intampla la noi, in situatia in care procesele privind veniturile magistratilor sunt judecate de magistrati? O logica a bunului simt te face sa constati ca exista un conflict de interese aici!

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      Norwegian judges cannot decide they salaries, they are public servants, and the salaries is a negotiation between the state and the organisations of the employees.

  • Întrebarea nr. 10 George


    In Norvegia is the same ? The infractors are arrested and after that they are free to make their affairs ahead and destroy Norvegian country like Romania is ?

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      If somebody is found guily on a crime, he has to spend time in prison, and if he's in business, he will be in the impossibility of doing business again. So no.

  • Întrebarea nr. 11 Ion

    Trecand peste solutiile pe care le-ati oferi pt justitia romana si pt Romania in general, v-as intreba ce ati copia din Romania si ati dori sa implementati in Norvegia?
    Va doresc dvs. si intregului popor norvegian felicitari si cele mai calde urari de bine.

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      I would like to copy the beautiful girls, the long Romanian summers, the unspoiled Romanian scenery, the beautiful architecture and also many other things.

  • Întrebarea nr. 12 Tio

    Tusen takk Mr. Ambassador!

    Ce mecanisme de control si criterii de calitate are Norvegia pt a se asigura ca cei 300 mil Euro acordate de Norvegia sint folositi in acord cu intentiile dvs? Nu exista riscul ca aceste resurse sa treaca drept "romanesti" si sa dea un credit nemeritat autoritatilor romane prelungind in acest fel o guvernare ineficienta, corupta si iresponsabila?

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      We are now talking about our future intentions. We have good experience from our present corporations, we practice a hands-on approach, meaning that we follow very closely to the home process from implementation to payment on the project, we as embassy keep a close contact to the partners, we visit projects, I do it personally, and I enjoy it. I've been in Alba-Iulia, Galati, Braila, Tara Hategului, Harghita, Odorhei and you get the impression of the partner if they are reliable or not.
      Based on these experience, I'm rather confident we will avoid abuse.

  • Întrebarea nr. 13 Dragos

    Care sunt secretele coruptiei reduse in Norvegia? Cat depinde doar de sistemul juridic?


    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      I don't think it has so much to do with judicial system or law and legislation. Of course we have very strict law on corruption as a serious crime, but before coming here I had to ask my collaborations about which law we have on corruptions, on the content of these laws.
      I think the most important thing is that corruption is a completely tabu thing in Norwegian society. For a politician, for a judge, for a police man, for a medical doctor to be accused of corruption would immediately stigmatised his image and put and end to his career.
      This has become a part of our mentality, of our culture, which is much more important than law and judicial system. I think in the public sector, corruption is more or less non-existing.
      In the private sector, we have had cases of corruption and economic crime. Since 1999 we have a public body called Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime. Economic crime doesn't mean only corruption, but it includes corruption.

  • Întrebarea nr. 14 cornel

    Sunt relativ putin cunoscute actiuniile de suport, ptr. romania ale guvernului norvegian pre/post aderare. Personal consider ca norvegia ca tara/natiune este total nemediatizata, la noi. Cred ca daca am fi avut/avem o buna politica externa, aceasta natiune ar fi trebuit sa fie asezate pe unul din primele locuri, ca natiune prietena. Cred ca o apropiere a catorva tari mici/mijloci din europa si din lume ar putea crea un pol de actiune/influenta in armonizarea politicilor onu, nato, grupul 20 samd. Intraga stima, dl. ambasador, cornel.

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      It's certainly correct that Norway is not so well-known country in Romania. This is no surprising since we are located on two opposite ends of continent. Historically there were not so many contacts of Romania and Norway. Our embassy tries to do our best on the financial assist, but of course there's always a problem in the modern society to get the information across. We can only encourage everybody to read HotNews, the website of the Norwegian embassy in Bucharest
      We also plan different activities linked to our economical projects next year.

  • Întrebarea nr. 15 Pantea Ionut

    Zilele trecute a trebuit sa alerg sa imi fac pasaport pt a calatori in Norvegia in scop business. Nu se pot face demersuri pentru legaturi directe de avion catre Norvegia? Si al doilea aspect este inlaturarea birocratiei romanesti , in Norvegia din cate stiu nu se prea pune baza pe stampila, acte multe. E de ajuns o semnatura si se rezolva totul. Credeti ca se poate implementa asa ceva si aici in Romania?

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      It is true there are no regrettably direct flights between Bucharest and Oslo. We have tried to convince cheap flight company to come to Bucharest and in Norway it had been done the same. But so far, regrettably without no results. We have to flight via somewhere.
      We cannot do anything to change as an embassy, it is a commercial problem.
      I don't want to interfere, but if it's possible in so many countries, you could do this in Romania as well.

  • Întrebarea nr. 16 Pantea Ionut

    In Romania este posibil ca un proces sa dureze si 10 ani , in Norvegia este posibil asa ceva? Cine credeti ca e raspunzator pentru prelungirea la infinit a proceselor? Cine trebuie sa plateasca pentru timpul pierdut ? Daca eu snt citat la un proces de 10 ori , seful ma da afara de la job sunt 100% sigur, pentru ca orele care lipsesc nu le plateste nimeni!!

    • Oystein Hovdkinn

      I don't want to interfere, something has to be wrong with a lawsuit that last 10 years. Normally in Norway a lawsuit doesn't last more than one year.

3420 vizualizari

  • Amestecul puterii judecatoresti in puterea legisla (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 13:21)

    nopris [anonim]

    Se poate intampla in Norvegia urmatoarele?
    1) Se poate ca un judecator, o instanta sa anuleze o lege, o Ordonanta a Gunernului, sa o declare ilegala?
    2) Se poate ca o problema a unui judecator cu statul sa fie judecata de alt judecator?
    3) Se poate ca un proces sa fie suspendat prin faptul ca partea acuzata din proces cere Curtii Constitutionale sa se pronunte asupra constitutionalitatii legii prin care e incriminat?
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:04)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui nopris

      1. Not to my knowledge. Laws in Norway are adopted by the Parliament. Only Parliament can change or cancel a law by itself.
      2. It's not very clear. We have only few cases in Norway of judges accused of corruption. I don't know of any case like this. He would have to be judge by a court consist by other judges. It's only theoretical, I don't know of any case like this in Norway.

      3.To my knowledge the answer is no.
  • Sprijinul Norvegiei acordat Romaniei - justitie (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 13:47)

    IoanG [anonim]

    In ce mod(uri) ajuta Norvegia statul roman sa implementeze reforma in justitie (consultanta etc.) ?
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:05)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui IoanG

      Here the answer is more complicated. Norway is the largest bilateral donor of Romania. From 2009 to 2011 Norway will invest100 millions euro to 70 projects. One project is for cooperation between Norwegian and Romania police and is related to combat child pornography to Internet. There are projects not specially design to combat the judicial reform in Romania. Our aim has been to promote economic and social development in Romania thereby assisting Romania in it's transformation process hoping in the long run will also improve Romanian legal system.
  • Økonomisk avtale (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 15:40)

    qman [anonim]

    Lucrez in Romania pentru o mare companie IT din Norvegia, si pot spune ca sunt foarte multumit. De asemenea, vizitez Norvegia cel putin anual si cunosc aspectele civilizatiei si mediului de afaceri din Oslo. Sunt sigur ca exista multe alte ramuri profitabile in afara de IT, cum ar fi industria petrolului, textile etc. De ce nu se iau masuri pentru un acord economic bilateral mai serios Romania-Norvegia ? Takk.
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:06)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui qman

      We already have economical activities between Romania and Norway: 60 companies are investing in Romania and even in this time of economic crises we have companies that contacted the embassy to start businesses in Romania. It is true that no Norwegian oil company has invested in Romania. If the question was about an economic agreement between Romania and Norway, my answer is that we don't need such an agreement since the both countries are members of EU Internal Market. Norway is not a member of EU as you know, but we are a member of EU Internal Market.
  • Am putea importa niste judecatori din Norvegia. (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 16:49)

    mircea [anonim]

    Pentru procesele de coruptie si comerciale ,am putea sa importam judecatori din Norvegia.Si asa judecatorii nostri se plang ca nu mai fac fata cu numarul mare de dosare.Eu cred ca intarzie,pana se da spaga.
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:07)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui mircea

      I'm afraid is not practical, and not possible for many reasons.
      It's not possible.
  • Oslo (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 16:50)

    daniel [anonim]

    Hello Mr. Ambasador,

    Few years ago, in March 2006 I went to Oslo for a training course. In general, everywhere I go I prefer to walk and to use public transportation which gives me the chance to better understand people and places. This way I found out for example that in Oslo even the lady who sells tram tickets speaks decent English. I used to have then two mobile phones: a company one and a personal one. One morning I was in class, waiting for the course to start when I got a phone call from my wife on my company phone asking me where is my personal one. I checked and concluded: "I've got no idea". Then she said: "You've just lost it, someone found it in the tram, called me and gave me this number...." I passed the number to the secretary of the company organizing the training course and had my mobile in my pocket at the first break. This is something Sir, and Oslo citizens deserve all the respect for this.

    And, finally, to ask you a question: Sir, you sure your country is not a EU member? Romanian politicians seem very keen to put you in. :)

    All the best Sir and big thanks you keeping an eye on our politicians. Some of us desperately need it.

    A Romanian living in Bucharest
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:11)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui daniel

      I'm very happy to hear such nice story about Norway. The Norwegians have rejected two time to enter EU. We are probably 2 thirds member of EU as we're member of EU Internal Market.
  • Acelas lucru ma intreb si eu (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 17:24)

    cornel [anonim]

    Intre timp am iceput sa banui. Norvegia e o tara prea serioasa ptr noi.Cei cu bani din romania fac afaceri mai mult cu zone din est.(ex.Vantu,Patriciu,Copos, Voiculescu,oameni din PNL si PSD.)Aici e hotia cu care secu romaneasca a aranjat atatia aniCu Norvegia NU merge deloc coruptia, cu cei din est ...Oooooo !Uitativa la mafiotii de mai sus.Cine sunt ei ? Opoztia, desigur. Asazis !
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:15)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui cornel

      The biggest investing countries are from Western Europe: Austria is the biggest investor, Germany, France. 60 Norwegian companies have activities in Romania.
      Norwegian companies have another big problem, not corruption: heavy and big bureaucracy.
  • hilsener ! (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 20:44)

    opiu99ro [utilizator]

    Mr. Amassador, how easy or difficult is for a Romanian person, universitary graduate, to emigrate and establish in Norway ?

    Thank you a lot ! A.B.
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:19)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui opiu99ro

      There is hardly any formal problem, we're both member of EU Internal Market. If you have the right qualifications and you can get a job in Norway, you can easily move there.
      Norway is one of the countries in Europe with the highest needs for professionals, we need people with qualifications, without them we cannot function.
      Several thousands of Romanians have found employment in Norway in health sector, construction industry, as architects and engineers. They are very welcomed and we will continue to welcome citizens who want to come to work in Norway.
  • Solutia? (Duminică, 24 octombrie 2010, 23:14)

    Patrik [anonim]

    Buna ziua!
    Ne puteti spune, care ar fi primele 5 masuri pe care le-ati lua, pentru a eficientizarea sistemului juridic din Romania?
    Va multumesc!
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:21)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui Patrik

      There's rather tricky question. Romania should simply implement its laws and relations, its commitments on EU membership and the international conversions it entered and the aim of this will be to make the judiciary more predictable, more uniform, more reliable and more independent.
  • Intrebare (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 7:26)

    albescu [anonim]

    In ce masura, potrivit justitiei norvegiene, magistratii pot sa-si hotarasca propriile venituri asa cum se intampla la noi, in situatia in care procesele privind veniturile magistratilor sunt judecate de magistrati? O logica a bunului simt te face sa constati ca exista un conflict de interese aici!
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:23)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui albescu

      Norwegian judges cannot decide they salaries, they are public servants, and the salaries is a negotiation between the state and the organisations of the employees.
  • Question (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 7:34)

    George [anonim]


    In Norvegia is the same ? The infractors are arrested and after that they are free to make their affairs ahead and destroy Norvegian country like Romania is ?
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:25)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui George

      If somebody is found guily on a crime, he has to spend time in prison, and if he's in business, he will be in the impossibility of doing business again. So no.
  • D-le ambasador (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 9:28)

    Ion [anonim]

    Trecand peste solutiile pe care le-ati oferi pt justitia romana si pt Romania in general, v-as intreba ce ati copia din Romania si ati dori sa implementati in Norvegia?
    Va doresc dvs. si intregului popor norvegian felicitari si cele mai calde urari de bine.
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:27)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui Ion

      I would like to copy the beautiful girls, the long Romanian summers, the unspoiled Romanian scenery, the beautiful architecture and also many other things.
  • Inappropriate merits? (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 10:45)

    Tio [utilizator]

    Tusen takk Mr. Ambassador!

    Ce mecanisme de control si criterii de calitate are Norvegia pt a se asigura ca cei 300 mil Euro acordate de Norvegia sint folositi in acord cu intentiile dvs? Nu exista riscul ca aceste resurse sa treaca drept "romanesti" si sa dea un credit nemeritat autoritatilor romane prelungind in acest fel o guvernare ineficienta, corupta si iresponsabila?
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:31)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui Tio

      We are now talking about our future intentions. We have good experience from our present corporations, we practice a hands-on approach, meaning that we follow very closely to the home process from implementation to payment on the project, we as embassy keep a close contact to the partners, we visit projects, I do it personally, and I enjoy it. I've been in Alba-Iulia, Galati, Braila, Tara Hategului, Harghita, Odorhei and you get the impression of the partner if they are reliable or not.
      Based on these experience, I'm rather confident we will avoid abuse.
  • Intrebare biblica. (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 12:17)

    Dragos [anonim]

    Care sunt secretele coruptiei reduse in Norvegia? Cat depinde doar de sistemul juridic?

    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:38)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui Dragos

      I don't think it has so much to do with judicial system or law and legislation. Of course we have very strict law on corruption as a serious crime, but before coming here I had to ask my collaborations about which law we have on corruptions, on the content of these laws.
      I think the most important thing is that corruption is a completely tabu thing in Norwegian society. For a politician, for a judge, for a police man, for a medical doctor to be accused of corruption would immediately stigmatised his image and put and end to his career.
      This has become a part of our mentality, of our culture, which is much more important than law and judicial system. I think in the public sector, corruption is more or less non-existing.
      In the private sector, we have had cases of corruption and economic crime. Since 1999 we have a public body called Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime. Economic crime doesn't mean only corruption, but it includes corruption.
  • ilicit (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 13:02)

    ionescu [anonim]

    d le ambasador,
    puteti expune pe scurt daca in legislatia tarii dvs, exista legiferata asa zisa "lege a ilicitului" si cum se aplica?care sunt organele insarcinate cu aplicarea acestei legi, ce sanctiuni are si cum este privita ea de societate?
    de asemenea de cand exista si care a fost impactul aplicarii ei?
    credeti ca in romania o astfel de lege ar fi binevenita ?in cazul in care s ar aplica vreodata?
  • multumirii ptr. sprijinul acordat de norvegia. (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:15)

    cornel [anonim]

    Sunt relativ putin cunoscute actiuniile de suport, ptr. romania ale guvernului norvegian pre/post aderare. Personal consider ca norvegia ca tara/natiune este total nemediatizata, la noi. Cred ca daca am fi avut/avem o buna politica externa, aceasta natiune ar fi trebuit sa fie asezate pe unul din primele locuri, ca natiune prietena. Cred ca o apropiere a catorva tari mici/mijloci din europa si din lume ar putea crea un pol de actiune/influenta in armonizarea politicilor onu, nato, grupul 20 samd. Intraga stima, dl. ambasador, cornel.
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:44)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui cornel

      It's certainly correct that Norway is not so well-known country in Romania. This is no surprising since we are located on two opposite ends of continent. Historically there were not so many contacts of Romania and Norway. Our embassy tries to do our best on the financial assist, but of course there's always a problem in the modern society to get the information across. We can only encourage everybody to read HotNews, the website of the Norwegian embassy in Bucharest
      We also plan different activities linked to our economical projects next year.
  • pasaport (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:18)

    Pantea Ionut [anonim]

    Zilele trecute a trebuit sa alerg sa imi fac pasaport pt a calatori in Norvegia in scop business. Nu se pot face demersuri pentru legaturi directe de avion catre Norvegia? Si al doilea aspect este inlaturarea birocratiei romanesti , in Norvegia din cate stiu nu se prea pune baza pe stampila, acte multe. E de ajuns o semnatura si se rezolva totul. Credeti ca se poate implementa asa ceva si aici in Romania?
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:49)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui Pantea Ionut

      It is true there are no regrettably direct flights between Bucharest and Oslo. We have tried to convince cheap flight company to come to Bucharest and in Norway it had been done the same. But so far, regrettably without no results. We have to flight via somewhere.
      We cannot do anything to change as an embassy, it is a commercial problem.
      I don't want to interfere, but if it's possible in so many countries, you could do this in Romania as well.
  • Perioada de rezolvare a proceselor (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:22)

    Pantea Ionut [anonim]

    In Romania este posibil ca un proces sa dureze si 10 ani , in Norvegia este posibil asa ceva? Cine credeti ca e raspunzator pentru prelungirea la infinit a proceselor? Cine trebuie sa plateasca pentru timpul pierdut ? Daca eu snt citat la un proces de 10 ori , seful ma da afara de la job sunt 100% sigur, pentru ca orele care lipsesc nu le plateste nimeni!!
    • raspuns (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:52)

      Oystein Hovdkinn [] i-a raspuns lui Pantea Ionut

      I don't want to interfere, something has to be wrong with a lawsuit that last 10 years. Normally in Norway a lawsuit doesn't last more than one year.
  • 80% din infractiunile comise in Norvegia (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 14:57)

    Marius [anonim]

    In 2009 Aftenposten a aparut un articol precum 80% din infractiunile din Norvegia sunt comise de romani.

    Ce impact a avut asupra societatii norvegiene acest fapt si ce masuri s-au intreprins pentru stoparea lor?

    Sunt autoritatile din Romania interesate / ingrijorate de acest aspect?
  • References (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 15:06)

    Magda [anonim]

    How could Romanian business solutions/services providers can contact the Embassy so they maybe referred by the Embassy to Norwegian investors?
  • Salarii in sistemul judiciar norvegian (Luni, 25 octombrie 2010, 17:14)

    AVV [anonim]

    Care este salariul mediu al unui judecator in Norvegia?

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